19 June 2009

In My 40th Year

So. I've had a birthday. Which now makes me 39. Nearly 40. A hop, skip and a jump away from elasticated waists, Tena Lady pads, tutting at kids who don't queue for buses.... same old, same old really...

The Girls did me proud with a suprise garden party. There was booze, there were cakes, there were platters of gorgeous little nibbles from the deli...oooh it was fab.

My Husband and I had a long old bike ride. I fell, well actually rode, into a fence/hedge thing. I snapped a something on the bike. We nearly had a falling out... things were a bit tense.

The Boss took me for lunch. The Team took me for lunch. And I'm out with The Family for lunch tomorrow.

The Diet starts on Monday.


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