24 May 2010

Summer Reading has begun – finally - and I read After The Party on Saturday, sat on my stoop, in the sun; me and my shoulder.

Reading anything (shopping list, doodles, random to-do notes) by Lisa would be a dream. She is an awesome writer, creates characters you care about, and writes the kind of things that happen to normal people… perfect.

In After the Party Lisa has bought back Jem and Ralph – who have been together 11 years now, have two kids and a house- but are loosing that special something that made them so right together. In a twist I don’t think I’ve ever read before in a “chick lit” title, Ralph finds a way to move forwards, but Jem is stuck where many mothers I know have found themselves – between the man they love and the life they miss before the world of responsibility fell cleanly on their shoulders.

With just enough unexpected twists and turns to ramp up the eager page turning, After the Party hits all the right notes with love, longing, lust and life and just the right ending to not make you feel like a complete wimp when you find yourself in tears.

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