28 June 2007

Tinterweb Holiday

Seems my genius plan to not bother installing a land line into my flat when I moved in a two years ago (cause "I've got a mobile that is never switched off") has cruelly back fired.

Just when I'd got into the habit of posting a blog a day, my frequent and indeed free web access has been cut off.

Without going into the blah blah blah about it, it looks like I'll be available for Summer Season Panto for a bit, so if anyone knows of any gainful employment to be had - I'm cheap (free in fact it would appear), I don't bite (at least I try not to leave marks), I don't smell (at least not so much since I gave up smoking), and the OCD group therapy sessions are going really well... really well... really well...

As before, all your comments would be most appreciated - but until I can blag some free blog time from somewhere else - ttfn.



Anonymous said...

I know where you live ;-) and your local library has free internet access...

As for the blah, blah, blah, you know my views and I'm thinking of you. If anything comes up, I'll let you know.


nuttyxander said...

Unfortunate opening paragraph of the day:

"Feverish online activity in the Observer's poll to find the funniest film ever made might be motivated partly by the offer of £100 F*pp vouchers for the five best posts"

Wishing you all the best.


SJV said...

I'll say its a crisis!!



Friendly Henry said...

Hi SJP. Wondering who this is? Search my pseudonym on MySpace or Flikr... Feeling as angry about it all as I have to this point... maybe the bogus payslip that landed on my doormat this morning (and the fucking rain) have something to do with it. As per, no communication from on high. Good luck tomorrow, driving wind and rain will simply add to the level of joy! Keep in touch, gorgeous.

SJV said...

Oh My God! Hey Diceman - or shall I call you Friendly Henry now...(why Henry?) ... so lovely to get a comment from you! Got a text from Fluff today; she got her payslip today as well (I didn't!) so she text JR to ask why? Apparently the news is that we are due to get a letter from the administrators to let us know when, how much and how long it'll take to get some form of payment in relation to June's outstanding pay, lack of months notice and any redundancy you long service guys should have got... quite frankly I'm so pissed at the mo about it all, I'm just ignoring the whole subject till I wake up on Monday morning and think...erm....what now??? Definately wanna keep in touch with you and some of the other guys who, even though we weren't allowed to talk to one another when we worked together, I kind of got the impression that outside of work we could have been good buds? Or am I wrong...???

SJV said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Friendly Henry said...

Nah, you are not wrong!! Loving the photos, btw, looks like you had a good weekend!! How did the Upton Park slide charity thing go? Or was it cancelled due to high winds? Was in the office for the last time yesterday, Jon was there of course, plus Pete W, Colyer and Kate. And a load of administrators sat at our desks (one of them was hot, oddly. Hot bankers, who'd have thought?). Very weird atmosphere. I discovered that we will get our redundancy notices today/tomorrow and info on how to claim compensation for our missing pay from the DTI. DP and PH have 'parted ways' wiith the company, you may be interested to know. Have you got my home email? Drop me a lline and I'll tell more ok? Speak soon, fhx

SJV said...

OH MY GOD - you went in?! I cant beleive you went back there...WHY!!!! The charity thing was horrible actually, i cried a little bit at the end, cause it was so bloody scary - trust me, ill stick to running. I hate them all, every single last mother fucking one of them, and I couldnt imagine having to sit in that place again and smile at them... I dont have your home mail babe no - mine's sjpiper1@hotmail.co.uk - can you mail me? xxx